Jumat, 13 Juli 2012

Top Chest Exercises

Picking the top chest exercises is so difficult because there are so many great chest exercises to choose from!
Pushups are not only great chest exercises to build strength and mass in the chest, but core strength as well. Eventually, pushups will become too easy.

1. Weighted pushups: Weighted pushups are pushups performed with added resistance.
2. Plyo pushups: Plyo pushups are one of the best chest exercises you can do to explosive strength in the chest.
3. Suspended pushups: Suspended pushups can be done using TRX suspension trainer or an equivalent.
4. Diamond pushups: Diamond pushups are just another variation of a close grip pushup. Diamond pushups are one of the best chest exercises you can do to target the triceps.
5. Wide grip pushups: Wide grip pushups are one of the top chest exercises you can do and for justified reasons.
6. Dive bomber pushups: Dive bomber pushups are one of the best chest exercises because they work not only the pecs, but also your shoulders, triceps, hamstrings, and lower back as well.

Chest Dips
Chest dips primarily target the pectoral muscles, triceps and anterior deltoids, although the biceps, forearms, and lower back are engaged as well. Additionally, chest dips force you to use the stabilizing muscles as well as you balance your body on the dip bar. To perform chest dips:
1. Position yourself in between a parallel dip bar grasping each handle with your hands
2. Raise yourself onto the parallel dip bar with elbows locked
3. Lower your body until your shoulders are lower than your elbows (or whatever feels most comfortable) with the elbows flared out
4. Forcefully push your body back up and lock the elbows out
5. You have completed a chest dip!

Dumbbell Bench Press
To perform a dumbbell bench press:
1. Start out sitting on a flat bench holding the dumbbells on your lower thigh
2. Slowly lay back on the beach as you bring the weight towards your shoulders
3. Position the dumbbells to the sides of your chest ensuring your upper arm is parallel to the floor
4. Press the dumbbells up until your arms are fully extended and pause for a second
5. Slowly and in a controlled manner lower the weights back down to the sides of your chest ensuring the upper arm is parallel to the floor

Barbell Bench Press
1. Lie with your back flat on a bench
2. Grasp the barbell with both hands approximately shoulder width apart
3. Dismount the barbell from the rack
4. Lower the weight to mid chest level
5. Keeping your head, shoulders, and lower back pressed into the bench, press the bar up until your elbows are locked

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